Experience Next-Gen
Wireless Communication
at just 1/3rd the cost of an Intercom System
Maintain effective communication with your society gates, neighbors, elevators / lifts, clubhouses, and all other such society amenities & departments.

No Maintenance Costs
Say goodbye to the annual maintenance costs of old, expensive, bulky, & outdated intercom systems.
No Internet Required
Security Guards can make calls by dialing the flat numbers of residents using the intercom device.
No Wiring Required
Security Guards can make calls by dialing the flat numbers of residents using the intercom device. Residents can provide multiple phone numbers and get calls on numbers based on their order of preference - in case the preferred number isn’t working. No internet needed.
VZTrack Communicator
No wiring, cabling, or device installations.
No annual maintenance charges.
Very affordable at 1/3rd price of traditional intercoms.
Residents can accept calls & notifications anywhere.
Easy, handy, & super convenient to use.
Add-on features - video calls, text messages, & groups.
Can be used on multiple mobile phones.
Advanced security features such as 256-bit encryption.
Enhanced privacy features regarding contact information sharing.
Old Intercom Systems
Tons of wiring, & device installations.
Recurring annual maintenance charges.
Expensive installation costs & maintenance charges.
Residents can only accept calls on intercom device.
Difficult, bulky, & inconvenient to operate.
Only 2-way voice calls available. No upgrades or add-ons.
Can be used only on 1 intercom device.
No security features at all. Conversations can be easily tapped.
No privacy features at all. Security guards have access to contact information.

FREE Seamless Integration with the VZTrack #meetSafe Mobile Application
Choose the VZTrack Wireless Communicator and get access to the VZTrack #meetSafe Mobile Application. Manage all your Visitors & Security Guards. Get a comprehensive Digital Complaint Register, Emergency SOS, Accounting Platform, and so much more! Check out the entire list of amazing features here.
Data Stored on Local Server
We believe that data regarding your home is extremely personal and should be yours alone. We do not store any of your resident’s, security guard’s data with us. All of your data is stored on a local server in your own housing society.
Easy to Use for Senior Citizens
With the VZTrack Communicator, security guards can easily reach residents who do not have an internet connection or the VZTrack #meetSafe mobile app. Making it extremely easy to use for everyone - especially senior citizens.
No Sharing Contact Info With Security Guard
Even though residents are contacted by security guards via phone, the security guards can make calls only through Flat Numbers. All phone numbers are stored in an encrypted format in the intercom device. Thus ensuring ultimate privacy.